
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Week#1 - Getting Acquainted

We will spend the first week of  class getting acquainted with each other and getting oriented to the course methods and tools.

In class:  Course Overview and Getting, Acquainted
Syllabus and Get Acquainted Questions Handout


     Due September 4 at 11:59pm (for those registered week#1)

  • Post a 1~3 minute INTRODUCTION VIDEO to the class BAND. Introduce yourself to your classmates. You can take a ‘selfie video’ with your phone or get help from a friend. This can be a basic 'please introduce yourself' answer or you can be as creative as you like! (e.g. give a tour of your home, take us out with you on Friday night, sing your favorite song, etc.) Please post it to your Class Band by Sunday night, Sept. 4 (11:59pm)
                         EGL108-05       EGL108-06     EGL108-10 